Beadwork, Polyhedra, Tutorials

New Tutorial: Mira Star

A new tutorial is available in my Etsy shop for Mira Star! This is a truncated octahedron made from warped hexagons in a similar way to Hypernova, but with a twist – it uses a mix of 1-drop and 2-drop peyote to create the different length sides and add extra dimension to the piece!

A truncated octahedron is an Archimedean solid, and it has square and hexagon faces:

I think the combination of the two different types of faces with the different types of peyote works really well! The shape looks very different from different angles:

I named it Mira Star as the different lenghs of the sides made me think of variable stars, stars which periodically increase and decrease in brightness. A Mira variable is a particular type of these variable stars.

I love the orange silver lined beads I used in this piece, but I also made a version in green as well:

I really like this version too, not sure which is my favourite!

I decided to add a cord to this one so it can be hung as an ornament – it looks really good like this as you can rotate to see all the different sides.

Both colourways and a guide on how to make the cord to hang it as an ornament are in the tutorial.

Happy beading!

The animation of the truncated octahedron shown in this post was created with Stella4D Pro.